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Starting high school is exciting, but let’s be real—adjusting to the new workload can be overwhelming. Whether you’re tackling your first big tests or just trying to stay on top of assignments, having strong study habits is key to staying confident and focused. Here are 10 practical and easy-to-follow tips to help you study smarter and succeed in high school.

1. Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

Cramming might feel like the quickest solution, but it’s not the best way to learn. Instead of rushing through material the night before, try spreading your studying over several days. This way, you’ll actually remember what you’ve learned, not just for the test but for the long run.

Why It Works

Studies show that cramming may help with short-term recall but doesn’t lead to lasting knowledge. Spacing out your study sessions gives your brain time to process and retain the information.

Open planner with weekly calendar, a blue pen, and small green plant stems. Beige cover, clean and minimal aesthetic.
Organize your study sessions effectively using a physical planner for better time management.

2. Make a Plan and Stick to It

Having a study schedule can save you so much stress. Start by listing everything you need to do, breaking it down into smaller tasks, and setting aside specific times to work on each one.

Pro Tip: Stay Consistent

Set regular study hours, like after school or before dinner, and stick to them. This builds a routine and makes studying feel less overwhelming.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Struggling with something? Don’t wait! Reach out to your teacher, a tutor, or even a friend. High school is the perfect time to practice asking for help when you need it.

Resources to Explore

  • Teachers: Always happy to clarify concepts.

  • Study groups: Your classmates can be a great support system.

  • School resources: Many schools offer peer tutoring or study centers.

Three students sitting on the floor, engaged studying and pointing at a tablet. Books and a laptop are visible. Casual setting, light mood.
Study sessions are more fun and effective with good friends.

4. Team Up with Friends

Studying with friends can make even the toughest subjects more fun. Work together to quiz each other, explain concepts, and share tips. Just make sure you’re actually studying—not just chatting!

Why Study Groups Work

Teaching someone else is one of the best ways to understand a topic yourself. Plus, it’s always nice to know you’re not alone in the struggle.

5. Find Your Groove

Everyone learns differently. Some people love flashcards, while others prefer diagrams or videos. Experiment with different methods to see what works best for you.

Try This:

6. Take Breaks (Yes, Really!)

It’s tempting to power through your homework, but your brain needs breaks to recharge. Short, regular breaks can actually help you learn better.

Break It Down

Work for 25-30 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Use this time to stretch, grab a snack, or just relax.

Example of an ideal workspace for studying depicting an open notebook on a white desk, surrounded by a smartphone, laptop, eyeglasses, pencil, and a small green plant. Bright, minimal setup.
Organized and clutter-free study space with essentials: a laptop, notebook, pencil, phone, glasses, and a touch of greenery.

7. Create Your Perfect Study Spot

Where you study matters. Pick a quiet, well-lit spot with everything you need close by—pens, paper, your laptop, and snacks. Turn off your phone (or put it on silent) to stay focused.

Quick Tip:

Avoid studying on your bed. You’ll feel more alert and focused if you’re sitting at a desk or table.

8. Treat Yourself

Studying can feel like a chore, but small rewards can keep you motivated. After completing a big task or a tough study session, treat yourself to something fun, like your favorite snack or an episode of a TV show.

9. Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Instead of just reading your notes, test yourself with flashcards, practice questions, or even by explaining the material to someone else.

A Simple Trick

Turn studying into a game by creating quizzes for yourself or asking a friend to test you.

10. Set Goals You Can Actually Reach

Setting goals helps you track your progress and stay focused. Use the SMART method:

  • Specific: “I’ll study math for 30 minutes every day this week.”

  • Measurable: Keep track of how many hours you’ve studied.

  • Achievable: Don’t overdo it—start small and build up.

  • Realistic: Set goals you can stick to, even on busy days.

  • Time-bound: Have a clear deadline for your goals.

FAQs About Studying in High School

How do I stay focused while studying?

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable spot.

  • Turn off distractions like your phone or TV.

  • Take regular breaks to recharge.

How can I manage my time better?

  • Use a planner or app to track assignments and deadlines.

  • Break big projects into smaller tasks.

  • Prioritize what’s most important and tackle it first.

What if I’m really struggling in a class?

  • Talk to your teacher or counselor.

  • Join a study group or ask for a tutor.

  • Don’t wait—get help as soon as you feel stuck.

What does Admitology do?

Admitology helps students navigate the path to college with personalized guidance. Whether it’s building confidence, improving study habits, or crafting stellar college applications, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Can Admitology help me with time management?

Absolutely! We can help you create a realistic schedule, set achievable goals, and find the study methods that work best for you.

By trying out these tips, you’ll be ready to handle high school like a pro. Remember, studying isn’t about being perfect—it’s about finding what works for you and sticking with it. You’ve got this!

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Por Majo Lamadrid

Pizarron con post-its. En el centro dice TU en blanco y alrededor, conectados por líneas dicen: ciencias, ingeniería, psicología, comercio, tecnología, medicina, comunicación, leyes, arte, política, negocios y uno con un signo de interrogación.
Tu decides tu futuro, explora todas tus opciones según tus intereses.

Saber qué carrera estudiar puede parecer abrumador, pero ¡no te preocupes! Aquí encontrarás consejos prácticos para guiarte en cómo tomar una decisión informada y planear tu futuro profesional desde la prepa.

¿Por Qué Es Importante Elegir Bien mi Carrera?

Elegir una carrera universitaria es una de las decisiones más emocionantes de tu vida. Tu elección impactará no solo tus años de estudio, sino también tu vida laboral. Hacer una buena elección puede abrirte muchas puertas y llevarte a un futuro lleno de oportunidades, así que ¡tómate tu tiempo y disfruta del proceso!

Claves para Escoger Qué Estudiar

1. Conócete a Ti Mismo

Antes de buscar carreras, hazte algunas preguntas clave:

  • ¿Cuáles son mis fortalezas?

  • ¿Cuáles son mis debilidades?

  • ¿Qué me apasiona?

Conocerte bien es esencial para elegir la carrera adecuada. Haz una lista de tus habilidades y talentos; esto te ayudará a identificar las áreas que mejor se adaptan a ti.

2. Explora tus Intereses

Reflexiona sobre las materias que más disfrutas. ¿Te encanta la ciencia, las matemáticas o tal vez las artes? Estas preferencias pueden guiarte hacia carreras que realmente te apasionen. Explorar tus intereses es un paso crucial para saber qué carrera estudiar.

Identifica tus Pasiones

¿Qué te hace sentir emocionado o inspirado? Piensa en las actividades que disfrutas hacer en

tu tiempo libre. ¿Te gusta escribir, dibujar, programar, ayudar a otros o investigar? Hacer una lista de tus pasiones te ayudará a identificar áreas que podrían convertirse en una carrera satisfactoria.

Reflexiona sobre tus Materias Favoritas

Recuerda las materias que más disfrutaste en la escuela. ¿Te encantaba la biología? ¿O tal vez te apasionaba la historia o las matemáticas? Las asignaturas que más te gustan suelen ser un buen indicador de las áreas que podrían interesarte en la educación superior.

Realiza Actividades Extracurriculares

Participar en clubes, deportes o actividades extracurriculares puede ofrecerte una visión clara de lo que realmente te gusta. Si te unes a un club de debate, podrías descubrir que tienes un talento para la comunicación. Si participas en un grupo de ciencias, puede que encuentres tu pasión en la investigación.

Habla con Profesionales

Conectar con personas que trabajan en campos que te interesan puede proporcionarte valiosas perspectivas. Pregúntales sobre sus experiencias, qué les gusta de su trabajo y qué desafíos enfrentan. Esto no solo te dará una idea de las carreras disponibles, sino que también puede ayudarte a establecer una red de contactos en tu área de interés.

Toma Notas sobre tus Reflexiones

Es útil llevar un diario donde anotes tus pensamientos y descubrimientos sobre tus intereses. Esto te permitirá ver patrones y temas recurrentes en tus reflexiones, lo que puede facilitar la identificación de áreas profesionales que te entusiasmen.

Explorar tus intereses no solo te ayudará a elegir una carrera, sino que también te dará claridad y confianza en el camino que elijas. ¡Recuerda que la clave es ser curioso y abierto a nuevas posibilidades!

3. Investiga las Carreras Universitarias

Elegir una carrera universitaria puede parecer abrumador, pero entender tus intereses y habilidades puede facilitar el proceso. Aquí hay algunas áreas de estudio comunes, junto con las habilidades e intereses que suelen asociarse con ellas, y ejemplos de carreras específicas que podrías considerar.


Si disfrutas del análisis, la investigación y trabajar con datos, las ciencias podrían ser para ti. Las habilidades necesarias incluyen el pensamiento crítico y la curiosidad.

  • Biología

  • Química

  • Física

  • Ciencias Ambientales

  • Matemáticas

Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Si tienes afinidad por los números y la innovación, considera estas carreras. Se valora la resolución de problemas y el pensamiento lógico.

  • Ingeniería Civil

  • Ingeniería Mecánica

  • Arquitectura

  • Ingeniería Informática

  • Diseño Industrial

Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Las personas interesadas en el comportamiento humano y la interacción social suelen destacar en esta área. Aquí, la empatía y la comunicación son esenciales.

  • Psicología

  • Derecho

  • Trabajo Social

  • Administración de Empresas

  • Relaciones Internacionales

Ciencias de la Salud

Si te apasiona ayudar a los demás y tienes una vocación de servicio, las ciencias de la salud podrían ser una gran opción. Las habilidades interpersonales y la empatía son clave.

  • Medicina

  • Enfermería

  • Nutrición

  • Fisioterapia

  • Odontología

Artes y Humanidades

Si te gusta la creatividad y la expresión, considera las artes y humanidades. Las habilidades relacionadas incluyen la comunicación efectiva y el pensamiento crítico.

  • Comunicación

  • Artes Visuales

  • Literatura

  • Educación Musical

  • Historia del Arte

4. Considera la Oferta Académica

Evalúa las universidades que ofrecen los programas que te interesan. Infórmate sobre sus planes de estudio, costos y reputación. Asistir a ferias universitarias es una excelente manera de conocer tus opciones y hacer preguntas.

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Elegir tu Carrera

¿Cómo saber qué carrera estudiar?

Conocerte a ti mismo, explorar tus intereses e investigar opciones son pasos clave para tomar una buena decisión.

¿Cuáles son las carreras universitarias mejor pagadas?

Las carreras en ingeniería, medicina y tecnología suelen tener los salarios más altos. Investiga cada campo para entender mejor las oportunidades que te esperan. Sin embargo, no vale la pena perseguir una carrera que no disfrutes por un sueldo potencial que no está garantizado. Busca ser tu mejor versión en un área que te apasione para disfrutar y sacar frutos de tu carrera. 

¿Cómo planear mi carrera desde la preparatoria?

Identifica tus habilidades y fortalezas, explora extracurriculares relevantes, investiga posibles carreras y evalúa la oferta académica de universidades. ¡Tú puedes hacerlo!

¿Cómo saber si mi título universitario será útil para mi carrera?

El valor de un título universitario ha cambiado en los últimos años. En lugar de centrarse únicamente en el conocimiento técnico, las empresas ahora valoran más la preparación integral que recibes durante tus estudios. Esto incluye habilidades como la resolución de problemas, la adaptabilidad y la capacidad de aprender de manera continua.

Las carreras están en constante evolución, y la flexibilidad es clave para navegar por el mercado laboral actual. Por lo tanto, al elegir tu carrera, enfócate en adquirir habilidades transferibles y experiencias prácticas. Además, recuerda que serás un "alumno perpetuo"; tendrás que mantenerte al día en tu campo, informándote sobre actualizaciones y tendencias. Esto te ayudará a estar siempre preparado para los desafíos futuros, independientemente de lo que esté de moda en tu área específica.

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Admitology

¿Qué es Admitology?

Admitology es una empresa dedicada a ayudar a estudiantes a navegar el proceso de admisiones universitarias, brindando orientación y recursos útiles.

¿Cómo puede Admitology ayudarme a elegir una carrera?

Admitology ofrece asesoramiento personalizado para ayudarte a descubrir tus intereses y talentos, facilitando así la elección de la carrera adecuada.

¿Qué recursos están disponibles en Admitology?

Admitology proporciona información sobre universidades, programas de estudio y consejos para la preparación de admisiones. ¡Todo lo que necesitas para triunfar!


Elegir qué estudiar es un viaje emocionante. Con autoconocimiento, investigación y orientación, puedes tomar una decisión informada sobre tu futuro profesional. Recuerda que tu carrera es una parte fundamental de tu vida, así que ¡disfruta del proceso y elige con confianza! Recuerda que nunca es tarde para cambiar de rumbo.

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Applying to college can be overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure what admissions officers are really looking for. This guide will break down how the college admissions process works and what makes an application stand out. Whether you're applying to Ivy League schools or smaller colleges, understanding the holistic admissions process is key. Let's dive into what you need to know to craft a compelling application.

How Does College Admissions Work?

Most U.S. colleges use a holistic review process. This means that admissions officers don’t just look at your grades and test scores—they evaluate your entire application, including extracurricular activities, personal background, and essays. The goal is to see how well-rounded you are, how you’ve overcome challenges, and how you will contribute to campus life.

It’s important to remember that comparing yourself to others—especially to profiles on TikTok bragging about 12-page resumes and countless APs—is not helpful. You’ll be compared to students in the context of your own school and personal circumstances. To understand where you stand, ask for your high school’s "School Profile" to see how your GPA, advanced courses, and overall performance compare to your peers.

Holistic Admissions consider your grades, course rigor, essays, recommendations, test scores, and extracurriculars to determine whether you are granted admission to their university.
Holistic Admissions Considerations

What Do College Admissions Look For in Student Applications?

Admissions officers evaluate several hard and soft factors.

Hard Factors

  1. Academic performance: Strong grades in challenging coursework (like honors, AP, IB, or A-levels) demonstrate dedication and readiness for college. But remember, it’s not just about taking the hardest classes—it’s about excelling in what’s available at your school.

  2. Standardized test scores (SAT/ACT): Although some schools are test-optional, many top institutions have reinstated these tests post-pandemic. However, test scores are just one factor among many in a holistic review.

Soft Factors

  1. Extracurricular activities: Colleges look for students who engage outside the classroom. This can include sports, clubs, volunteering, part-time jobs, and housework or caring for family members. The key is showing commitment, leadership, and passion.

  2. Personal qualities: Traits like intellectual curiosity, resilience, and leadership are highly valued. You can highlight these in your essays and through recommendations.

  3. Context: Admissions officers consider your background—whether you’ve faced challenges like supporting your family financially or coming from a low-resource school. They take into account what you’ve achieved in the context of your environment.

How to Show "Intellectual Vitality" in Your Application

Admissions officers want students who are passionate about learning. Schools like Stanford and MIT use terms like "intellectual vitality" to describe this thirst for knowledge. How can you demonstrate this in your essays?

  • Research: Show your interest in specific fields by discussing how you’ve gone beyond schoolwork. Maybe you’ve conducted independent research, joined academic competitions, or participated in projects outside of class.

  • University-specific exploration: Mention how the programs or resources at each university align with your intellectual interests. For example, if you're interested in environmental science, talk about a specific lab or professor’s research at that school that excites you.

  • Curiosity in daily life: Even small things, like reading a book or following a podcast series on a niche topic, can highlight your love for learning.

Why Are College Admissions So Competitive?

College admissions are increasingly competitive due to a surge in applicants, particularly from international students. In the Spring 2024 Snapshot Survey by ICEF Monitor, there was 53% increase in international student application to U.S. institutions. Many top schools have low acceptance rates, making it crucial to differentiate yourself through your unique story and personal qualities, not just your grades and scores.

FAQs About College Admissions

How long does college admissions take?

It depends on the type of application process you choose:

  1. Early Action (EA): Non-binding. You apply early (typically by November) and get results by December. You’re free to apply to other schools.

  2. Early Decision (ED): Binding. You commit to one school if accepted. This can boost your chances but limits your options.

  3. Restrictive Early Action (REA): Non-binding, but you can’t apply early to other private schools.

  4. Regular Decision (RD): The most common. You apply by January and hear back by March or April.

  5. Rolling Admission: Schools review applications as they come in. The earlier you apply, the sooner you hear back.

How competitive is college admissions?

Top-tier schools, like Ivy Leagues, have acceptance rates below 10%, but many great schools are less competitive. Research the acceptance rates and applicant profiles of your target schools to gauge how competitive they are.

How can I make my college application stand out?

Focus on showcasing your personal story, intellectual curiosity, and passion in your essays. Highlight unique extracurriculars, including non-traditional activities like household responsibilities or caring for family members.

Who are college admissions counselors?

College admissions counselors can work for high schools or as independent consultants. Admitology does both. We work with international high schools and directly with students to help them through the admissions process.

FAQs About Admitology

What services does Admitology provide?

Admitology specializes in helping Hispanic, Latin American, and first-generation students who need financial aid to study in the U.S. Our services include:

  • Essay brainstorming: We help you come up with ideas and craft your story throughout the application.

  • Finding your written voice: We help you discover your authentic voice so your essays reflect who you really are.

  • Crafting your story: We guide you in telling a compelling narrative that runs through your entire application.

How can Admitology help me stand out?

At Admitology, we guide students to identify and highlight what makes them unique. We specialize in helping students with personalized guidance, ensuring that your application not only meets the academic requirements but also shows who you are and what you bring to the table.


Understanding what college admissions officers are really looking for will help you create a strong, unique application. Focus on your academic strengths, personal story, and passions, and don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance from experts like Admitology. Your future is waiting—good luck!

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